Kimjongilia 2/5
7:11분에 나오는 신동혁씨를 멜버른에서 우연히 만나뵈었던 날이 생각난다.
나는 북한이 이렇게 심하다는것보다 어떻게 많은 사람들이 이런일이 있을거라고 상상도 못하고 인지조차도 하고 있지 않다는 사실이 너무나도 놀라웠다.
I happened to have met this guys who appears at 7:11 in this video, Mr Shin. He was born and raised in a concentration camp in N Korea and escaped to S Korea a couple of years a go and now he travels around the world for a human right seminar. When I met him in person I was in a total shock from what he was telling me about the dark side of N Korea but also by the fact how so many people are not even aware of what is happening just across of the boarder...
라벨: kim jung il, north korea
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